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sexta-feira, 7 de março de 2014

G 20 /G 80/G 110 IN ENGLISH

Written in the original Portuguese by Mario Alberto Benedetto Lynch and translated to other languages
on 06 -03-2014 in BRAZIL

Currently OG group of 20 or 20 is formed by the United States of America , Canada, Australia , France, United Kingdom of Great Britain , Italy , Germany , Japan , Russia , Turkey , Saudi Arabia , Indonesia , Argentina , Brazil , Mexico, Africa South , China , India , South Korea, and the European Union .
 I propose a reform that in a second stage would be G 80 with the accession of countries emerging from the former Soviet Union countries and emerging countries : Chile , Peru , Colombia, Spain ,New Zeland, Portugal , Ireland, Greece , Austria , Hungary , Czech Republic , Slovakia , Poland , Lithuania, Latvia , Estonia , Sweden, Finland , Norway , Switzerland , Israel , Denmark, Netherlands , Belgium , Luxembourg , Iceland , Cyprus , Malta , Serbia , Croatia , Bosnia Herzegovina , Kosovo , Volvodina , Slovenia , Macedonia , Albania , Montenegro , Bulgaria , Romania , Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus , Kazakhstan , Armenia , Egypt , Azerbaijan , Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan , Tajikistan , Kyrgyzstan , Mongolia , Morocco , Angola , Namibia , Botswana , Iran , Pakistan , Thailand , Vietnam , Brunei , Taiwan , Algeria .
 I propose that a third step is G 110 with the accession of developing countries : Kuwait , Qatar , UAE, Bahrain , Tunisia, Libya , Sierra Leone , Northern Sudan , South Sudan , Jordan , Lebanon, Jordan , Panama , Costa Rica , Honduras , Nicaragua , El Salvador , Guatemala , Belize , Dominican Republic , Jamaica , Bhutan , Nepal , Ivory Coast , Uruguay , Papua New Guinea , Nigeria , Mozambique , Ethiopia

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